Sundays at 9:45 am
Everything that the church is and does is rooted in worship. In worship we gather in response to God's call, and through Word and Sacrament we are sustained by the presence and grace of God in Christ, and empowered to serve God in the world. We believe we should worship together, worship joyfully, and worship often.
Sunday worship at Riverview blends traditional worship in the Presbyterian tradition with diverse expressions of the global Christian tradition. Our music blends traditional hymns, spirituals, and modern worship music. Sermons at Riverview encourage us to live into God's unconditional love as we wrestle with the hard questions of the text.
We believe breaking bread together matters, and we celebrate Communion every week.
We pray together as a community, for the community, and there's always a pot of coffee ready.
We take COVID safety seriously. While transmission rates are low, masks are optional for vaccinated people. They may come back if transmission rates go up. If you're not ready to worship in person, you can find our services streaming below.
The first Christians gathered and worshiped around a communal meal. Over the centuries, a lot of traditions have grown in the church. But eating together and being comfortable while we worship is a pretty good one.
We gather before services and after in the Community House space to spend time together. There are coffee and snacks on hand during the service, and you're free to get up at any time for a refill.
We also keep cough drops, tissues, and hand sanitizer on hand throughout the year to help keep us healthy.
Yes. Riverview has a lot of older members. But we have kids and young adults, too. And we love kids in worship.
We all worship in ways that are appropriate to our age and development.
We love when kids play. We have an area of our sanctuary specifically dedicated to giving kids a safe, fun, and age appropriate way to engage in worship. There are toys, activity mats, coloring pages all designed to help kids worship with the community. We love the sounds of kids. But if you need to step out for a moment, we have a kids' room downstairs as well.